link GraphQL Schema definition
- type FloorplanGroup {
- Int! :
- FloorplanGroupType! :
- String :
- # Arguments
- # clientName:
- String!): [Floorplan] ( :
- # Arguments
- # clientName:
- String!): [Floorplan] ( :
- # Arguments
- # clientName:
- String!): [Community] ( :
- Boolean :
- # The FloorplanGroup.elevations resolver retrieves an array of all elevations that
- # the floorplan group is assigned to. However, if filters.communityId is defined,
- # only elevations that the floorplan group is assigned to in the specified
- # community
- # will be returned
- #
- # Arguments
- # clientName:
- # planId:
- # filters:
- String!, : Int, : FloorplanFilters): [FloorplanElevation] ( :
- }